Since May 1997 we have been raising our glasses at every one of our meetings to the ME & S Grand Master, Leslie Felgate Dring, GCT. But whilst I am sure he will remain in our memories for many years to come, we now have a new Grand Master in the person of ME&S Kt. Timothy John Lewis GCT.

Sadly our retiring Grand Master had a bad fall last year and was out of action for many months. One of his few recent duties was to Consecrate the new Slovenian Preceptory, Carantania Preceptory, on 2nd April. He was a very popular Grand Master and served Great Priory faithfully and well for a period of 14, years during which time he visited the Province of Surrey twice to Install two Provincial Priors, REKt. Bryan Page and REKt Michael Banbury.

I am told that M.E.&S.Kt Leslie was the first Grand Master of this Order to retire in office, all his predecessors having died before retiring. As such, he was able to Install his successor and an excellent and moving ceremony it was. After he had been addressed by the new Grand Master, M.E.&S.Kt Leslie Felgate Dring retired from the assembly to a standing ovation from the enormous number of Knights present.

At this meeting of Great Priory the new Grand Master invested the following Surrey Knights:
E.Kt. Patrick Crossan Past Great Registrar E.Kt. Pat now becomes V.E.Kt. Patrick Crossan
E.Kt. Nigel Harding E.Kt. Chris Eley E.Kt. Douglas Martin
Past Great Aide-de-Camp Past Great Warden of Regalia Past Great Warden of Regalia

I am sure you will want to join with me in congratulating them all on their appointments.

There were twelve of us dining together at the Surrey table after the meeting of Great Priory but in total there must have been getting on for twenty Surrey Knights attending the meeting. My especial thanks to E.Kt. John Baker for driving up many of those attending in his mini-bus.

The RE Provincial Prior.

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