Provincial Priory of Surrey

The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas
buffer Provincial news
A message from your Provincial Prior
Dear Brother Knights of Provincial Priory,

Greetings and Good wishes
The concern and disruption being experienced by all of society due to the Corona Virus is significant and extremely serious for all of us.

In writing to you I wanted to offer the assurance of myself and other members of the Executive that, in the event you need assistance and/or support, we, as a Provincial Team will, whenever it is possible, endeavour to provide that help and assistance. Your welfare is to the fore in the role performed by our excellent Almoner E Kt John Coleman. I have no doubt he will continue to perform that role in an exemplary and caring manner, during this critical time.

In keeping with our tradition of chivalry and care for fellow citizens, we too can provide individual and collective assistance to: Brother Knights, their families and citizens within our community. By continuing to do this (e.g. a telephone call, assisting with shopping, dealing with a small task, etc..), without a risk to our own health, we shall reap the rewards when this pandemic has passed.

As a symbol of the unique code of honour of Knight Templars, can I suggest that during this difficult period of our lives, on each Friday at 5 pm, we repeat the Lord’s Prayer then raise a glass to to toast to all Knight Templars in this Province, their families and Knight Templars throughout the world. As members of a Christian Order we understand the power of prayer and the rewards that come from good deeds performed in a humble manner. I offer my prayers each day in my Temple that you will all stay safe and well and that the Great Captain of Salvation may protect you and your loved ones.

Yours in the Bonds of the Order

R E Kt Patrick P Crossan
Provincial Prior