Provincial Priory of Surrey

The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas
buffer Provincial news
A special full team visit to Nutfield Preceptory
In March, Nutfield Preceptory No 598 were pleased to receive the Provincial Prior of Surrey, R.E.Kt. Patrick P Crossan, along with the Provincial Sub Prior, E.Kt. Peter Brown, many Provincial Officers of the year, and members of the Provincial Prior’s Bodyguard.

One of the items on the agenda was the Re-dedication of the Preceptory Banner, so while most of the Brother Knights were in the bar enjoying coffee and bacon butties...

A special full team visit to Nutfield Preceptory

A special full team visit to Nutfield Preceptory

A special full team visit to Nutfield Preceptory

A special full team visit to Nutfield Preceptory

…the Provincial Marshal, E.Kt Tim Ford, was rehearsing the Banner Escort…

A special full team visit to Nutfield Preceptory

…and the Provincial Prior’s Bodyguard were preparing for the meeting.

A special full team visit to Nutfield Preceptory

After the Preceptory was opened, the Provincial Marshal, E.Kt. Tim Ford, entered and advised the Eminent Preceptor, E.Kt. Chris George, that the Provincial Prior of Surrey, R.E. Knight Patrick P Crossan, along with a number of Provincial Officers of the year, was in the anteroom and demanded admission to the Preceptory.

A special full team visit to Nutfield Preceptory

A special full team visit to Nutfield Preceptory

The Provincial Prior of Surrey entered and was greeted by the Eminent Preceptor. The Provincial Prior was saluted with 7 after which he greeted everyone and took the muster roll and the minutes of the last meeting.

The next item was to ballot for and install as a Knight of the Order, Companion Jason Davies. The Ceremony of Installation was conducted in a very sincere manner by the Eminent Preceptor and Officers of the Preceptory, assisted by E.Kt. Tim Ford who gave the Charge after Installation, in his usual excellent way.

Knight Jason was welcomed into the Preceptory by the Eminent Preceptor, and into the Order by the Right Eminent Provincial Prior.

A special full team visit to Nutfield Preceptory

The Preceptory then took a ballot to make E.Kt. Peter Brown, Provincial Sub Prior, an honorary member. This was carried unanimously and E.Kt. Peter thanked the Knights of Nutfield Preceptory for the honour conferred.

The next item was to Re-dedicate the Preceptory Banner. The R.E. Provincial Prior Invited certain officers to assist him in the Dedication Ceremony and a procession was formed to escort the Banner into the Preceptory. After a prayer by the Provincial Prelate the Banner was unveiled and paraded round the Preceptory. The Banner was then Dedicated and the R.E. Provincial Prior Invited the Eminent Preceptor to receive the Banner. After the Patriarchal Blessing the Banner was placed in its designated place and saluted with three.

A special full team visit to Nutfield Preceptory

After the collection of Alms, the R.E. Provincial Prior and Officers of the Year retired in procession and the Eminent Preceptor closed the Preceptory. The Knights of Nutfield Preceptory and their many guests dined together in fraternal union at the Nutfield Masonic Centre.

Article and photographs by Chris Eley
