Provincial Priory of Surrey

The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas
buffer Provincial news
A full team visit to Agincourt Preceptory
In April, Agincourt Preceptory No 517 were pleased to receive the Provincial Prior of Surrey, R.E. Knight Patrick Crossan, many Provincial Officers of the year and members of the Provincial Prior’s Bodyguard. The Temple at Camberley was full that day for the Full Team Visit of our Provincial Prior.

A full team visit to Agincourt Preceptory

After the Preceptory was opened the Provincial Marshal, E.Kt. Chris Eley, entered and advised the Eminent Preceptor, E.Kt. James Hill that R.E. Knight Patrick P Crossan, Provincial Prior of Surrey, along with a number of Provincial Officers of the year, was in the ante-room and demanded admission to the Preceptory. The Provincial Prior of Surrey entered under the direction of the Acting Provincial Deputy Marshal, Kt. Graham McGlashen, and was greeted by the Eminent Preceptor. The Provincial Prior was then saluted with 7 after which he greeted everyone and took the muster roll and the minutes. The Eminent Preceptor invited the Provincial Prior to present a Knights Templar Certificate to Knight Ian Pompei, which was done in his very special way.

A full team visit to Agincourt Preceptory

A Ballot was taken for Companion Terry McQueen, which proved in his favour.

Companion Terry was admitted and Installed as a Knight of the Order of the Temple in an exemplary manner by the Eminent Preceptor and his Officers, ably assisted by the Preceptory Marshal, E.Kt. Tim Ford, and E.Kt. Alastair McKenzie, who gave the Charge. The Eminent Preceptor then invited the Provincial Prior to give the Accolade. The Ceremony ended with a very interesting and informative explanation of the Symbols of the Order by E.Kt. Angus Rhodes.

A full team visit to Agincourt Preceptory

After the Priory was closed the Knights of Agincourt Preceptory and their many guests dined together in fraternal union at the Agincourt Hall, Camberley.

Article and photographs by Chris Eley